What Makes Christian Journaling Unique?

  I bet if you’re reading this you either journal now or you did at one time in your life. Most of us who started on a journaling journey in our youth remember spending time recording all those heart wrenching events that had nowhere to go, but in our diary. There were days when that diary or journal became our best friend. For Christians, your journal can still be that best friend. Certainly, many non-Christians see their journals as a confidant, but what can make Christian journaling unique is that we have a spiritual focus others do not. Let’s look
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How Much Should I Write?

One reason people shy away from journaling is because they believe they don’t have enough time in their busy schedules to write anything worth recording. Others think there’s a certain word count that should be written. If they don’t fill the page it seems like a waste of time and paper. There’s no set amount of writing that equals quality. There are days when I can’t stop writing and days when I barely eek out a few sentences. It’s not the daily or weekly amount that is important, it’s the quality and the patterns that emerge throughout your writing time.
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