How Much Should I Write?

One reason people shy away from journaling is because they believe they don’t have enough time in their busy schedules to write anything worth recording. Others think there’s a certain word count that should be written. If they don’t fill the page it seems like a waste of time and paper.

There’s no set amount of writing that equals quality. There are days when I can’t stop writing and days when I barely eek out a few sentences. It’s not the daily or weekly amount that is important, it’s the quality and the patterns that emerge throughout your writing time.

Start with a simple time limit such as 5 or 10 minutes of writing. Don’t worry about the details, no one is going to judge what you write. You could also try writing a few sentences or perhaps half a page.

I found this quote and thought it was appropriate:

“How good something is should never be determined by its cost, designer, origin, or its perceived value by others.”

― Ashly Lorenzana

Woman Writing in Daily Planner

Woman Writing in Daily Planner


Kathy Bornarth, MA, LPC

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