Journal Your Way Through Holiday Stress


As much as I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, I often find myself overwhelmed with all that I need to accomplish. And once the stress sets in, it can be difficult to find my way back to the joy of the real reason for the season. Even though I’m busy, I know that I need to grab my journal to help manage my stress.

To clear away the stress and focus on our Lord, set aside some time to journal your way to peace and clarity. Follow this process to get started:

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  • Find a quiet place to begin your writing time.
  • Close your eyes and say a prayer for the peace and joy you long to experience during this Christmas season. If you prefer, you can jump start your writing by listening to music or simply repeat a favorite Scripture a few times to yourself.
  • Quickly make a list of the things that are troubling you, heavy on your heart, or otherwise burdensome right now. Don’t linger over your list. Keep it quick and simple.
  • On a fresh page, answer the prompt, “What I want most during this season is…?” Give yourself about 10 minutes to complete this write.
  • When you are finished writing, take a few minutes to read over what you’ve just written. Write one reflection statement. Notice if a single word or theme comes through. What is that word? What is the theme?
  • Did anything become clearer for you? How did you feel as you wrote your thoughts and feelings? What was happening in your body as you wrote?
  • Now, take about 5 minutes and write a letter to yourself from God. What does He want you to be aware of? What did God want you to remember? What does He want you to be intentional about during this Christmas season?


Regardless of what you produce during this writing, whether it’s complex or simple, it can still make a difference in your life. The purpose here is to bring you closer to God and to rely on Him to help you navigate the myriad of emotions and activities that are happening during the holidays.

You can use this writing process yourself, during your small group or as an assignment for your clients. As always, if you need help or more directions, feel free to contact me. I would love to hear if you use this process and what becomes clear for you.


Writing for Him!

Merry Christmas!

