5 Practical Ways to Get More Entangled With God: A Guide for Busy Entrepreneurs



God Letters Show Spirituality Religion And BelieversIt was the week before I presented a workshop to employees of a major automobile corporation. Nerves had gained a foothold. A glance at my calendar compounded the stress. Fifteen counseling clients … intern supervision … resident counselor meetings … a visit from my college-aged son. By week’s end, I was overwhelmed. This was more than a simple case of over-scheduling, I thought, feeling drained and discontented. What was wrong?

 I shared my dilemma with a girlfriend over coffee. She asked just one question: “How is your time with God going?”

 Sure, I’d read my Bible (during church). I’d prayed (when I couldn’t find a parking spot).

 What Waiting on the Lord Really Means

 Isaiah 40:31 says, “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.” I sure needed His strength. But waiting on Him? Waiting takes time, which was in short supply.

 Interestingly, the term those who wait has less to do with the amount of time invested, but translates as those binding themselves to another, even to the point of entanglement. In other words, waiting on the Lord meant entangling myself with Him. It is in entanglement that He renews my strength.

 I’d given God a cursory nod that week, but I was not entangled with Him.

 Busy entrepreneurs get mired in day-to-day operations. We don’t necessarily forget God and even hunger to be closer to Him, yet wonder how to go about it. Why not be intentional? Try these five practical steps to get more entangled with God throughout your day.

1.Read scripture. Set aside time for devotions at a time of day that works for you. If you’re a scheduler, then include that time on your daily calendar – even if it’s just five minutes a day. Post index cards with scripture around your office for inspiration. Rotate them regularly.

2.Cultivate gratitude. Set your phone alarm to remind you to thank God for your business at least once a day. Thank Him for opportunity. Thank Him for your staff, your clients, your office space, your technology.

3.Pray intentionally. Talk quietly to God during meetings and while making decisions. Ask Him for wisdom as you prepare reports. Pray for your clients. Intercede for staff.

4.Journal. Keep a prayer journal in your work area or on your computer. Jot down thoughts that come your way. Write to God when you feel troubled or stuck. Record victories, too. Note prayer requests and answers to prayer.

5.Make yourself accountable. Join an accountability group with other Christian women who want grow in their intimacy with God and who understand the importance of community. You can find local groups or an accountability partner through your church. Or you may wish to consider I Grow In Faith, a virtual accountability group which meets exclusively online, allowing you convenience and flexibility.


Waiting on the Lord doesn’t add another task to my list. Entanglement with Him becomes the framework for my day … and renews my strength.


Kathy Bornarth, MA, LPC

Visit our site at www.nacjw.com for more information on journaling for growing your faith.