Journaling for the Soul


Something is missing.  Something important and necessary to the very health of our soul.  

The busyness of life has made its migration into the depths of our being, squeezing God out.  Our soul aches as it cries out for time with Him, but in the noise it is not heard.  

Through the spiritual practice of Journaling for One’s Soul we can take steps to eliminate the hurry, bring quiet for hearing, and create much needed space for meeting with God.

 What is Journaling for the Soul?

  • Simply defined, Journaling for the Soul is a way to connect with God at a deeper level.
  • Foundational to this discipline is the journaling process — one that invites us to record our experiences, observations, ideas, reflections, and such on a regular basis.  
  • Journaling is a tool for soul care. Used as a spiritual discipline, it helps us grow in grace, experience truth, and discover His character.
  • The process of Journaling for the Soul strengthens other spiritual disciplines.
  • Journaling our Bible study can lead us to new insights. Combine journaling with prayer, and our prayers become more concrete which in turn facilitates better communication with our heavenly Father. Incorporated into the discipline of simplicity, journaling leads to genuine and unhindered praise and worship.
  • Journaling for the Soul is about engaging:
    • Our mind and our body as we become focused and involved.
    • Our creativity as we consider our God-wiring and discover fun and meaningful ways to meet with Him.
    • With other spiritual disciplines. For example, journaling will help you engage with the Bible text, moving you from the act of reading for information to reading for transformation.Journaling for the Soul helps us move away from our old mindset that spiritual practices are draining obligations and helps us view them as practices that connect us to God, His grace, His energy, and His joy. It’s a tool for engaging more intentionally and consistently with God, a means for getting to know His heart (John 17:3).As one is able to move toward this new mindset discovering methods of Soul Journaling that speak directly to their heart and draw them in, a practice of more intentional and consistent engagement with our heavenly Father will be cultivated. The soul will be nourished as it is filled with God’s grace, His energy, and His joy. Christ will be known more fully.  


Deborah Haddix, NACJW Faculty

Author: Journaling for the Soul: A Handbook of Methods

and contributing author for Write Changes: Stories of Transformation Through Journaling

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