I’m a Fake Writer

Every other Saturday morning I meet with a group of writer friends and we talk shop, drink coffee or lattes and write together. Everyone in the group is a unique type of writer. We have bloggers, novelists, non-fiction writers, journaling enthusiasts, academic writers and more. Yes, there really are more types of writers.

Some of us are self-published, some write e-books and others write in their journals. A few of us have no idea what we want to write. One lady is scared to write and is looking for inspiration. Some people have ideas, but are waiting to articulate what to say.

There are days when I feel I’m not really a writer at all. I jot down some words and hope they make sense. I hope to inspire someone with the ideas I share.

I’m really not a writer. I’ve said that often. Actually, I just like to journal. If I journal does that make me a writer? Do I have to love writing to journal?

I never liked writing when I was in school. I can honestly say I was never really any good at producing a writing product that brought more than a C or at best a B-. The thought of seeing all those red marks peppered throughout my assignments made me sick to my stomach.

I started keeping a journal when I was young. In my twenties I stepped it up and kept a regular journal of my thoughts and wanderings. I just kept writing. I didn’t produce a novel or best seller. It was a lot of junk in spiral notebooks.

Today I have a certificate of advanced studies in Journal Therapy. I’m a class away from being a Certified Journal Therapist.

What have I learned? Anyone can write! You get better when you write often. Will I write the next great American Novel? Nope! Does it matter? Nope! I write for me. I write to impart thoughts and ideas with others. I write to help others find joy, clarity and inspiration through journaling. I write to find my voice. I write to connect with God. That’s good enough.





Join us at www.nacjw.com for more journaling tips!