To Do or Not To Do–Lists


I’m a list maker. I’m also easily overwhelmed by my busy life. That’s why lists have come in handy for me. Nothing helps my stress and monkey mind more than jotting down all the “stuff” I need to accomplish.


Anyone who suffers from anxiety would do well to give it a try. Most feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious come from a sense of being out of control. When I have a multitude of things I need to accomplish, allowing these looming tasks to swirl around in my mind only makes things worse. I begin to feel as if I can’t possibly manage all that is happening and often times want to simply run away. Fortunately, I also understand the true answer is to somehow get a handle on these feelings and perceptions. Lists have saved my sanity many times and reminded me how easy it is to quell my anxious self.


Here are some tips to make your To-Do List effective:


  • Keep your list short! If you start listing everything you need to do, plus everything you haven’t done in the past year, you’ll end up feeling as overwhelmed as you did before you started writing the list.
  • Focus on what needs immediate attention. What do you need to accomplish today and/or tomorrow? What is a reasonable amount of tasks you can check off your list in the next day or two?
  • Start with the most annoying task. Yes, you heard that right. The first item you want to check off your list is the task you’ve been trying hardest to avoid. A miracle will happen once you’re done! You will feel amazing—I promise!
  • Be Specific: decide exactly when you will accomplish the highest priority task on your list. You need a jump start. Your To-Do list is no good if you never start. Avoid the temptation to stare at your list and freeze. As soon as you get moving you’ll start the ball rolling.
  • Add a bit of whimsy to your list. You can use colored pens or pencils; doodle a bit around the edges; use a different color to cross off the finished tasks. Make it fun.


Are you a list maker? Tell us how you use lists to stay organized, accomplish goals, or lower your anxiety.

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But all things should be done decently and in order.”

1 Corinthians 14:40 ESV


 Write On!

